Lesly Alvarenga

Lesly Alvarenga

Back Office Medical Receptionist

Lesly was born and raised in Los Angeles California and her family originated from El Salvador. She attended Cal State Los Angeles college but ultimately decided to make a career change to pursue a medical assistant license at American Career college. Lesly has always loved helping people and working at Pacific Hearing and Balance has granted her the opportunity to do so.

She feels “working for Dr. Frazer and all the other doctors have been amazing to say the least”. Her priority is to make sure her job is done right, from scheduling patients to proper delivery of their hearing aids, Lesly makes sure patients receive the best possible care. Outside of work she loves to spend time with her family on small adventures and vacations. She also loves cooking, baking, shopping, outdoor activities, and being a mom.

Lesly Alvarenga, Back Office Medical Receptionist at Pacific Hearing, Inc.

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